Thursday, April 10, 2008

China's 'War on Terrrrrr'

Hmmm....could the arrest of dozens of 'terrorists' in China's Muslim Xinjiang province be a preemptive strike by Beijing?
China's other separatist headache has been simmering away in the background while international attention has focused on Tibet.
The Uygur people in the northwestern region bordering Tibet have complained for years that the War on Terror has provided cover for the Chinese authorities to intern supposed troublemakers without trial.
They reckon today's swoop is a simple case of police rounding up anyone who might entertain notions of competing with Tibet for the spotlight as the Olympics approach.
As illustrated by George Leader-of-the-Free-World Bush, preventing terrorism can provide an excellent excuse for doing whatever the hell you like without regard for due process.
Thirty-five people were arrested today in Xinjiang suspected of plotting to kidnap athletes at the Olympics.
This could be true. But does would it not seem like an audacious and improbable plan?
Let the jury remain out on this one for the time being.
Or, at the very least, let there be a jury.

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