Friday, June 15, 2007

Chinese whispers

Yep, it's true. I'm heading East in a month or so, Beijing to be precise.

Myself and Liz are packing up our tent and swanning of for the sake of adventure. Chances are I'll keep writing - once I get my journalism accreditation sorted out with the authorities - but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to access the Blogger account.

Anyway, I'll post up contact details for anybody who might want to contact me in Beijing. In particular, anybody who wants to put freelance work my way is encouraged to get in touch! Email me at with anything relatively urgent. Don't post anything important on the blog please because I don't check it often enough at the best of times.

My mobile is +353 86 856 8710. Hopefully I'll still have that in China, but will post up a new local phone number if/when I get one.

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